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Fanned Out Papers

Services to Clients

Therapy Sessions

Nick Adams has over 25 years experience of providing therapy to clients. Since 2020 therapy has been delivered virtually.


Clients benefit from virtual settings as they are accessible from any location the client feels comfortable. Online sessions remove the cost and time of travel to a physical location and allows Nick to provide services to clients throughout the UK.


Therapy sessions are 1 hour as standard but extended sessions can be arranged.


Nick is a highly experienced therapist, and uses a range of therapies within his practice, however he finds EMDR to be a great asset in treating a range of issues. 


EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) is a therapy that quickly helps people recover from issues caused by traumatic events in their lives. EMDR can help treat a range of issues including trauma, PTSD, depression and anxiety. EMDR is a well researched therapy which is recognised by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the World Health Organisation (WHO).


ERT is a simple therapy to help you overcome psychological distress. ERT follows the science of how the mind and body produce emotional reactions such as fear and trauma. You can learn more about this therapy on the ERT page. 

Services to Therapists


EMDR practitioners can access supervision in order to progress to consultant status. 


As an experienced EMDR consultant, Nick Adams has been providing supervision to EMDR practitioners both in the NHS and private practice for many years.


Supervision is available on an individual or group basis.

Sessions are 1 hour in length as standard and are provided online. 

EMDR Facilitator

EMDR therapists progress through practitioner status to consultant level through a series of accredited training courses.


With a background of developing and delivering training himself, Nick now provides facilitation in EMDR training at all levels.


ERT trainer

Emotional Response Therapy training is available to therapists and practitioners in order for them to offer ERT to their own clients. You can find details of the training on the ERT page.


Paper Craft
My Approach
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